B2B Sales Collateral

Graphic Design


Project Overview

In 2021, Article’s trade program (B2B) was experiencing rapid growth and developing into a more mature program. To support the sales team in this exciting phase it was important to have professional and easy to use sales collateral. Account managers especially rely on these materials when doing pitches and sending out proposals to customers. With the creation of more tailored collateral, this ensures that the B2B sales team comes across as professional and safeguards the brand. Having these tools will also facilitate the sales team’s day to day needs when it comes to creating presentations and sending out information.


I wanted to created a set of highly cohesive and professional branded materials that could function well for the B2B sales team. Their clients would see one or more of these pieces throughout their purchasing experience with the sales team, and so consistency was key. Also, two of these documents were created as InDesign templates for the team to use and customize with specific product recommendations for each client. The documents will mainly be viewed digitally, but are also a standard (US letter) size so that the client can also print them out easily. Branding is consistent across materials, I created a typographic lockup using the Article symbol and the trade team’s title: Article for Trade.


For this set of sales collateral I designed the following documents:

  • Sales Presentation

  • B2B Specific Article Media Kit

  • Previous B2B Project Examples

  • Concept Package (template)

  • Inspiration Board (template)


Sales Presentation

Client Concept Package (template)


ADAM Branding


Article Employee Gift