Skincare Crew Display

In-Store Display Design


Project Overview

As a part of the Endswell and Skincare product launch in July 2022, Tooletries wanted to create a new in-store display that could be used by retailers on a table or shelf. This would need to hold and display a decent amount of product without having too large of a footprint. The display needed to have space for samples, as well as opportunity to add value for the customers explaining the product benefits.


Working along side the Product Designer at Tooletries I designed the artwork for this display. Choosing a secondary brand colour (grey) was ideal because it helped both the yellow and black packaging stand out. On the front panel I also designed icons to help describe the benefits of these new products, i.e. Made in Australia, Native Extracts, Designed to Hydrate, Glass Containers. The side and back of the display may or may not be visible in the store, so I included supporting information, logos, and brand messaging.


Tooletries Skincare Campaign


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